DevOps in the IT teams: role and responsibilities

Hi everyone, in this blog post I want to write about how DevOps impacts project management.
Nowadays, in the IT industry the role of self-organising teams is the new de-facto standard. With frameworks like Scrum or Kanban, IT teams rely less on project managers than before. In this context, DevOps has to come to increase the speed at which this teams release features and at the same time, how the quality is increased. DevOps is able to guarantee these goals, thanks to ideas like continuous integration, containerisation or measurements.

This has highly impact the role of project managers, as their goal is to organise the team to achieve a goal on time and with a given quality. On these lines, I found an idea that I want to share on my blog. The idea is that the role of the project manager has changed, not as the person who coordinates the rest, but to be one in a team characterised to be flat, more looking to an assembly line than a pyramid. This is shown in the flowing diagram:

I think this structure is really beneficial as people with more business knowledge can play an important role in the early stages of the product, and technical people can make it happened. One big remark will be that the initial steps for defining the product must involve the team that is going to work on that product, to ensure that the requirements and goals are realistic and achievable.
I hope you like this framework as I found it quite revealing.


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