Online persona.

Another topic related to digital transformation that got me thinking is the appearance of the topic Online Persona. In recent ten or so years it became more and more important to have "appealing" online persona. It's important when applying for jobs, when looking for new business partners, applying for universities and overall, forming the image you want everyone around you to see.

Online persona or in other term Internet identity (IID) is considered as an actively/intentionally built identity via online resources:
  • internet forums
  • online chats
  • online multiplayer games
  • social networks
  • social media
  • avatars
  • pictures
I think it's true that digital world nowadays is a place where you not only sell products, services, ideas but a place where in the way you sell yourself as well. As the saying goes, every coin has two sides, therefore, the online identity is also has both negative and positive sides.

On one hand it allows you to draw a line between social and professional lives and connect with your colleagues on one sites while with friends on different ones. Online presence allows you to be more connected, provides a lot of resources, opens up diverse topics, discussions, etc. On the other hand it also isolates you in your own "bubble". Many social media networks have their own algorithms preventing one from accessing specific information or vice versa "feeding" you information because of the patterns the data shows about one.

The more I think about it the more scary it becomes to think about the future of online persona, as well as it brings concerns about protecting my personal data.

What do you think about it? What are the positive or negative effects of online presence that you see in your lives?


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